Friday, April 26, 2013


General meeting as usual, it starts around 2.30 p.m
Everyone who applied for a post was really nervous and scared at the same time. Soon after arranging about   17 chairs in front, all the BOD's sat and the announcing of the up coming BOD's begin. It started with creative director.Congratulation to both Aiman and Shahshilan! :D After creative director, it was Editor and we are sorry that we lied that we canceled the post due to two membership director but then yeah we surprised Davern at the end cause it was his birthday! haha 
& I announced the up coming IT director which is Yashwini! :D Make sure to keep this blog alive and everything :) And so its membership director and so on..
Lastly, our President! Jazlynn Wong !

After announcing all the post for the board of 2013/2014, all of them are asked to come up and tell us how they feel and also everyone of them have cat walk ! 

Here's some picture for their end post. Well not all of them is here cause they are shy :( 

Some video of Shahshilan singing and cat walk? :D

Meeting continued with the discussion of the theme of Leo Dinner and the most vote is Saturday Night Fever and also Sadie Hawkins! So we decided to combine it together and make it more interesting! Since every year, only the guys ask the girls so this year it should be different. Girls asking Guys to Leo Dinner! :)
The date is not confirm yet but any further info i'll update here :) The meeting ended with teaching of Leo pledge and also our SMKDU Leo Roll! :D